

New Walmart Marketplace Integration: Reach the Broadest U.S. Audience with Channable

July 28, 2023

With our latest Walmart marketplace integration, North American sellers and digital marketing agencies can now use Channable to seamlessly promote their products on the largest trifecta of eCommerce marketplaces—Walmart, Amazon, and eBay—all within the same platform, to reach the broadest audience possible.


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New Walmart Marketplace Integration: Reach the Broadest U.S. Audience with Channable

We recently announced our new Walmart Marketplace integration, which enables Channable customers to efficiently scale product catalogs on this leading U.S. marketplace. Now, you can increase your Walmart sales by using smart automation to list products, enhance product categories, and update inventory and order management based on real-time data.

Cut Back on Manual Tasks and Save Valuable Time

Along with its massive customer base of over 400 million monthly visitors, 30% of whom are unique visitors, Walmart tends to offer lower referral fees than some of its major competitors like Amazon. It also doesn't charge setup, monthly, or annual fees, which can result in significant cost savings. If managing multiple marketplaces is a resource challenge, our integration simplifies selling on Walmart to help you capitalize on their large customer base, expand your reach, and diversify your digital marketing strategy, while taking advantage of their lower referral fees.

Both sellers and digital marketing agencies can use Channable’s latest API to integrate with the Walmart marketplace and create, filter, and categorize accurate product listings that align with Walmart’s specifications. When your product feed immediately meets all the necessary requirements, you not only improve product visibility, you get your products to market at a faster rate.

With our powerful if/then rules, you can also optimize product titles and descriptions, create sales campaigns to meet criteria such as specific end dates, and remove irrelevant product listings. By automating previously manual tasks, you and your team will spend more time focusing on high-level strategies that boost sales instead of being bogged down with repetitive work.

Streamline Inventory and Order Management to Optimize Product Listings

When you’re dealing with a vast inventory, there’s a lot of variability—the level of available stock and pricing can change very quickly. Likewise, when large amounts of stock keeping units (SKUs) are being sold, it's easy to lose track of your order management because of the sheer volume of data to process.

Which is why manual order tracking can be time-consuming and leads to more inaccuracies, instances of over- or under-selling, lost sales, and customer dissatisfaction. Without the use of a feed management tool like Channable, you need to change fluctuating data manually to ensure your product catalog stays up to date. Our new Walmart integration synchronizes orders and eliminates this hassle for you and your team.

It works by enabling a two-way line of communication that allows data to flow back and forth between a seller’s point-of-sale (POS) system and Walmart in real-time, so you can automatically make updates or changes. In other words, when you send product data to Walmart via Channable, it’s automatically reflected in the Walmart marketplace. You also receive real-time feedback from the Walmart marketplace about orders and returns.

You can use the feedback to analyze the effectiveness of your product listings, optimize campaigns, and increase your return on investment (ROI). For example, if you set up Channable Insights and add Walmart as a preferred channel, you’ll receive additional data about shipping costs per product. Then, products can be excluded from sales if shipping costs make them unprofitable—or you change the price of the product based on shipping costs—using our if/then rules.

Channable Covers the Biggest Trifecta of eCommerce Marketplaces for North American Sellers

Biggest Trifecta

Selling products and advertising across Walmart, Amazon, and eBay is key to the success of North American eCommerce sellers. eBay has over 109 million visitors per month, and Amazon is one of the largest eCommerce platforms in the world, with over 2 billion monthly visitors.

Channable now integrates with all three, so you can sell and optimize your product catalog entirely within the Channable platform.

There’s no need to switch between the different marketplaces to manually update your feeds. Channable streamlines your workflow, so you can work in one place across all eCommerce channels.

If you’re interested in selling on Walmart’s marketplace and managing your Walmart product listings through our new integration, learn more details and sign up for a free Channable trial account. If you’re one of our existing customers, log in to your account and navigate to the APIs tab to find the Walmart connection.

Jill KiwittPartner Marketing

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