

New Channable feed quality check will give you more insights

May 19, 2021

Channable’s health check functionality has had a little tweak to help you even more in improving the quality of your feeds.

MarketplacesFeed management

Reading Time - 2 min

New Channable feed quality check will give you more insights

It was time to make the health check section a bit more user-friendly. Therefore, it has been renamed from "health check" to "quality check" and of course it has had a little upgrade at the same time.

What has changed

The quality check functionality is more extensive. You can now click on the items affected by the issue. Once you click, the tool will show you all the items that lack the specific information.

As examples speak better than words, let’s say that 39 items lack a description in your Google Shopping feed. With Channable’s quality check, you can now see exactly which ones, and you can even use the search bar to flick through them. The next step is still yours to make and would be to go to add this missing information by using the rules section to make your feed better and more complete.

New channable functionnality: quality check

Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger

Not only is it easier for you to check the errors in your feed, but this functionality is even faster! Test it with your feeds to see how fast it is and start using it to improve the data in your export feeds.

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