What is StyleSearch?
StyleSearch is a new generation search engine for fashion that uses state of the art technology, such as A.I. and Image Recognition technology and is voted top 10 fashion disruptor globally. By simply liking one or more products StyleSearch A.I. gets activated in order to find and present all similar looking products from all connected shops, in one clear overview.
Additional features are Visual Search, where a shopper can upload a photo to find the products and similar looking products on that image, and Search by Style.
Search by Style is a new feature where a shopper can instantly find the same and similar products as the products on an Instagram post. They collaborate with influencers by creating their own influencer page on StyleSearch and extract their images from Instagram. When the shopper clicks on their image on StyleSearch, they will automatically find the same and similar products in all our connected shops.
This unique way of searching for fashion enables the shopper to find clothing they’re searching for in a matter of seconds. This leads to an average channel conversion rate which is 4 times higher than market average and makes StyleSearch a revenue generator for shops!
What differentiates StyleSearch from other channels?
With their features Intelligent Search, Visual Search and Search by Style they have a unique way for shoppers to find their favorite products.
Because they provide all the means for a shopper to go through their full search journey on our platform before deciding to buy, StyleSearch mainly sends high converting traffic to their partner shops.
Advantages of selling on StyleSearch
Where are my products visible on StyleSearch?
All products categorized on StyleSearch are run through their algorithms and mapped to the correct category. When a shopper clicks on the product, they go to the product page. All the information displayed on the product page is based on the information you provide in the product feed. The search bar can be used at the top of the page to search for products. The shopper is then able to like and dislike products to refine the search results and click the button ‘show similar products’ to immediately see all similar products from all connected shops.
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