Maximize your product visibility on a leading home & living marketplace. Scale internationally and explore how our home24 API integration can help you.
Useful information about the home24 marketplace at a glance. Before getting started, take a look at this quick summary of home24 onboarding information.
Equip yourself with best practices, knowledge and insights about our home24 marketplace integration.
Your questions about our home24 Marketplace integration answered
Channable’s pricing depends on the number of items you import into the tool, the number of projects you create, and the number of channels you want to sell or advertise on. Your subscription can be adjusted or cancelled on a monthly basis. Connections to marketplaces like home24 are included in the Marketplaces module. Learn more about costs for the home24 API integration in Channable on our pricing page.
You need to be an accepted seller on home24 and create a Channable account to get started with the technical setup of your home24 API. Our Help Center documentation on the home24 integration provides an overview of necessary steps.
Of course! You can test the Channable functionalities by importing your product data and optimizing it according to the requirements of the home24 API. Only when you are ready to go live on home24, you will need to choose your price plan.
Our partners from home24 provide an overview of 6 steps to get started as a new seller on the home 24 seller portal. Please note that acceptance of new sellers is dependent on the eCommerce platform’s criteria.
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