

Sell on Miravia from your online shop


Miravia is part of Alibaba’s marketplace portfolio and present in Spain. It features fashion, beauty and lifestyle products in an exclusive shopping experience built around influencers.

Brands that want to start selling on Miravia can create their own storefront, offer promotions and profit from customer interactions.

Spain, as one of the fastest growing e-commerce markets with more than 30 million online shoppers, is the starting point for Miravia’s multinational plans.

Grow your presence on Miravia with Channable: Automate your Miravia sales and orders

Our features are as dynamic as your product data. Maximize your online visibility while saving valuable time.

  • Increase your sales: Bring products to market faster and grow your sales in a sustainable way. All from one powerful feed.
  • Synchronize your orders: Save time by allowing the direct API connections to synchronize all your orders back to your online shop.
  • Update your stock in real time: Via an API-connection between Channable and Miravia, your product information is updated daily.

Our Helpcenter will guide you through the setup of your Miravia connection.

Are you ready to get started on Miravia?

Currently, Miravia is accepting sellers from the following countries: Spain, Italy, France, Poland, Belgium, Netherlands, Portugal, Ireland, Germany. In order to kick off your presence on the marketplace, you will need to apply on Miravia's Spanish seller registration site.

Once approved by Miravia you can set up the API in Channable:

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