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Integrate with the Returnless order connection

With the Returnless order connection you can streamline your order and return management. Retrieve your marketplace orders from existing Channable order connections and import them into Returnless.


Getting started with the Returnless integration

Before setting up the integration in the Returnless tool, find out more about the possibilities of connecting Channable and Returnless.

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Benefits of Returnless

Faster return handling, lower return costs, preventing future returns. Prices start at €69.

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Available markets

The Returnless integration is available for the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxemburg, Germany and other selected EU countries.

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Order connection setup

The API has been developed by Returnless and has to be set up in the Returnless tool. In Channable, you will need to use the 'Channable API' for an order connection with Returnless.

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Returnless trial & first steps

You can create a free test account to try Returnless order management or plan a demo.

How does the Channable Returnless integration work?

Sync your marketplaces orders

When you use Channable to list on marketplaces and centralize your orders, you can now also manage returns from these orders in Returnless. Returnless built an integration with the 'Channable API', enabling you to automate the order processing even further.

Mandatory order add-on

You have to have an order connection with your marketplace added to your subscription to be able to send these orders to Returnless. Without the marketplace order connection Returnless will not be able to receive your orders.

Additional resources on the Returnless order connection

Find the information you need to set you up for success

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Help center

Technical guide about the use of our Channable API for the order connection with Returnless


Contact Returnless

The API integration is built by our partners from Returnless, please reach out to them for questions regarding the technical integration and opportunities.


Scalable pricing

Choose the plan that works for your business. Select a monthly subscription with no commitment so you always have peace of mind and grow your business, your way.

FAQ about connecting your orders with Returnless

Your question about integrating Returnless and Channable answered

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What is the price of a Returnless integration?

Channable’s pricing depends on the number of items you import into the tool, the number of projects you create, and the number of channels you want to sell or advertise on. Your subscription can be adjusted or cancelled on a monthly basis. Using the Channable API for an order connection with Returnless will cost €49 per order connection per month.


How can I get started with the setup of my Returnless API?

You need to create a Channable account as well as a Returnless account to get started with the technical setup of your Returnless order connection. If you don't have an active feed or API to make listings on your desired marketplace, please create one as an active export is needed for an order connection to work reliably. Our Help Center documentation provides an overview of necessary steps.


Is there a free trial for Channable?

Of course! You can test the Channable functionalities by importing your product data and optimizing it according to the requirements of your connected eCommerce channels. Only when you are ready to go live on your first channel, you will need to choose your price plan.